Sunday, January 22, 2012

Basic Blues Improv [Blues Riffs]

Simple blues riffs are perhaps the most common way for one to begin improvising on the harmonica. Use repetition of a single riff and pauses between these riffs to create a more melodic feeling to your playing. Sound files examples, explanations, and instruction are directly below the blues riffs.

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Blues Riffs.gif

AUDIO: "Basic Blues Riffs- 2nd Position"

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  • "Number and Arrow" system of notation- The "up" arrows indicate blow (exhale) notes and the "down" arrows are for the draw (inhale) notes- The little "b's" under the bent arrows are flat signs. One "b" is a half step bend and two "b's" are a whole step bend (as shown in the graphic below).

    Number and Arrow system w/bend
    The number and arrow system.

  • All riffs are played in the 2nd position- For more information on 2nd position, visit the General Overview section.

  • Use your own timing- Except for the triplet riffs, you can use your own timing with these riffs to make them fit into whatever song you are playing with. Listen to the sound file below the riffs to help get you started.

  • Problem with the hole 2 draw- If you have a problem with the hole 2 draw you can substitute the hole 3 blow until you have the ability to make the hole 2 draw come out correctly.

  • For Intermediate and Advanced players- you can add a 4 draw bend between the 4 blow and the 4 draw of the "Almost Blues Scale" riff. This will make it a complete one octave blues scale.

  • "Jam-To" Blues MIDI File- If you would like a quick, easy background song to begin jamming to, you can use the "Jam-To" MIDI File in "G" to try out the different riffs and ideas outlined here. Additional MIDI files are also available.

  • CDs to play along with- You'll also want to take a look at the CDs: Song Keys section which contains a listing of albums with each track "keyed" so that you will be able to jam to the songs found on it. Most of the CDs can be purchased via our Store: Buy Music CDs page. Beginning jammers will find the "Recommended for Beginners" CDs page a great place to start.

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